Saturday, October 24, 2015

The Enemies and NPCs of Chickadee - Part Two

Chickadee continues its development with myself and my friend from across the Atlantic, Jo! The latter of our partnership has done all the programming and getting the kinks worked out, while I've been doing a director role, level designer role, and artist and musician role. I'd like to talk some more about the NPCs and enemies that Chickadee will encounter in his quest to save his fellow friends and family members! If you missed part one of this growing series of articles, check it out here. Now, onto the five next characters I have to share with you all!

Chill Will is the prisoner of the winter world. He has a very casual disposition about him and doesn't let too much get him bothered, not even being captured by Dr. Egghead! He keeps himself warm in the winter with his lovely scarf. Not only is it great for keeping warm, but it's also quite the fashion statement, too.

Here is a bird that is in love with herself and always has her makeup kit within wing's reach. She's a bit self-absorbed-- well, actually, that's an understatement, and she certainly won't mind shouting Chickadee's ears off for not rescuing her sooner. She is the prisoner of the casino world.


He's not the angriest enemy around, nor is he very violent. He's Peekaboo the Hermit Crab, and he peeks out of his shell intermittently, more inside the shell than not. Hitting the shell will have Chickadee simply bounce off it, while hitting Peekaboo's body will defeat the foe and remove his shell from the playing field.


Another enemy from the beach world, Peepers the Pelican is a cool costumer (note the sunglasses hanging off the bridge of his beak) that flies in a set pattern around a given level, dropping eggs that will send Chickadee off kilter if he runs into them. Thankfully, Peepers can be defeated by one or two hits on any part of his body, even his wings. 


Introducing the boss of the forest world, Megapede! He slips out of one of six holes, three on either side of the battlefield, ready to send Chickadee to his doom! Can you defeat each segment and send Megapede crying home? Only through doing so will you rescue the bird imprisoned by Dr. Egghead!

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